
I am in Baigorria. It is the North Rosario Zone. Just like the zone suggests, Baigorria, is a city north of the big city of Rosario. It´s a WAY different area then chicito little Empalme. It´s a whole lot bigger. A lot more people…whoo!!!! So many people to be able to teach. The buildings are bigger. There´s a lot of big trees. It´s nice looking. People are AWAKE during the siesta (sleeping hours of the afternoon), such a big plus. It´s a tad drier.

3_baigorria     2_baigorria

Moreno 353, Baigorria is the address of our old pension if you want to look it up. We have a new pension, but the bummer is that nothing is inside yet. So we are gathering all the materials to live there. Which is going slow because we don´t want to use the whole day gathering things. Right now we are living with 2 others elders in the area next to ours. Arroyito it´s called. We roll out mattresses for the night and we are really good at sharing everything. It’s been fun really! Hopefully not for much longer because we are losing time traveling back and forth to our area. But the other elders are awesome and so is my companion!



My companion is Elder Poulton. He is 20 years old, is from Bountiful Utah, and went to Utah State University for a year. Oh, how we battle it out. He´s got 1 year and a half on the mission and is the district leader as well. He´s funny, good at spanish, a great teacher, and buys me a ton of food!

The ward is small. We had an asistance count for church yesterday of 35. The church building is a rented out house. So a small building but great! I felt the Spirit as I was looking around. A small little place that teaches the most profound and important principles on earth. The strong members that come every Sunday are very strong and are working in the work of the Lord. Visiting people and what-not. We have a handful of investigators and soon will add on to that.

I´m doing well! My testimony is ever-so deep and strong. If there´s anything you do everyday, please read the scriptures! Everything will build of that. “The Power of the Word” -Ezra Taft Benson.

Love you!

-Elder Orme IV


Pic explanations! Here´s a lot of families that I said goodbye to in empalme.

-Elder Poulton
-Family Mamaní.  We´ve tried very hard to reactivate her. The mom is the pink sitting down.
-Bishop and fam.
-Luis and fam.  He´s blind but manages to get around his little shop (kiosko they call it).  He always asks, “Where´s my green money!?” in english.
-Maria García and máximo. My convert! She´s still strong! The father still won´t allow Máximo to be baptized but Maria wants it for him badly. Tender good-bye.
-Some of the family Pay.  Juani, my convert, smashed in the middle.  His parents don´t give him money to go to church and he has a hard time having the motivation to wake himself up.  Franco in the green sweatshirt, my convert, is still incredibly strong and manages to find money from his parents to go to church every week.
-Farewell to awesome Ismael!
-Us 4 missionaries eating lunch.  Elder Poulton knows how to cook SO WEEEEEELL. I´m a lucky dog.

Creo en Cristo

This is my very short main email.

We have a golden new investigator! Maria Garcia who is perhaps 30 years, humble, kind, tender, a little sensitive, with a son Maximo who is 8, I believe a husband who she is separated from because he´s bad.  The first lesson about the Restoration went great because we have a golden member who was there to help.  Maria and Maximo have come to church and we look forward to another lesson tonight

Franco….he´s getting baptized this Saturday!

The ugly dog you see we call Fea which means ugly because it´s an UGLY female dog that just roams around our feet while teaching.  She makes me happy.

Juani with Fea.


And pics with the other Elders in our ward.